Tuesday, March 4, 2008

January pursuits....

The month was an insane one for our family. I was busy trying to prepare for the baby's arrival. I literally tore the house apart from top to bottom cleaning. Then I spent the rest of the month baking gluten-free stuff for Jeff. Our freezer was packed :) It didn't help that it was really cold outside and so we spent a lot of time indoors. The boys were slightly stir crazy and this is what the results were.

Simon's dress up game

Simon was playing dress up and I couldn't resist getting this shot. It will be perfect to show his future wife :)

Owen's Dog Zeke

Owen loves his dog Zeke ( which he got for his birthday) We named it after one of our favorite children's series " Mr. Putter and Tabby." Can you tell we LOVE to read at our house?

Owen's 3rd Birthday...

Owen was VERY excited about his birthday this year. He picked a dinosaur theme. The cake had a volcano, grass, a lake and plastic dinosaurs. He was pleased and the rest of the evening was fun.

The Bike and his Puppies....

We bought him a tricycle for his birthday and some stuffed dogs. He was very excited about both, however, he was very concerned that one dog had hair covering his eyes. As soon as he saw it, he said " It can't see."!!! We tried to assure him that was ok :)

Owen's book

Owen got his special "Owen" book for his birthday. It is about a little mouse named Owen who has a yellow blanket just like our Owen. He was thrilled to get it and it has fast become a family favorite. :)