Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Simon's 5th birthday party...

Simon's 5th birthday party was lots of fun. In true Simon fashion, he chose very colorful decorations and tacos for dinner. We made "crackers" filled with candy as party favors. (a fun tradition Mama learned overseas.) Simon, of course, was fascinated by the "science" of how they exploded! :)

Sy and Waldo...

Simon loves to read AND to search for hidden things in books. He is amazingly VERY good at it. Much better than Jeff or I will ever be. He was thrilled about his new "Where's Waldo" book, "Eye spy" books, and "Mr. Putter and Tabby" books he got for gifts. We now have to enforce a 10 minute reading in bed rule or else he would stay up all night reading :)

Sy's dragon cake...

Sy loves the show "Dragon Tales" on PBS. His eyes lit up when he saw the cake. It made all of our hard work worthwhile!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Aidan's bunny friend....

Aidan at seven weeks. Thanks, Grammie, for my cute outfit and bunny!

A doting brother..

Simon dotes on Aidan. He calls him his "chick cutie pie" and loves to entertain him with toys and conversation.


Aidan was thrilled when Owen took time out his busy "play" to read him a story.

My favorite way to sleep...

We learned early on that Aidan LOVES to sleep in his snowsuit. During his first few weeks, he would sleep for hours in it and be totally content. I'm sure people thought we were overheating him (and we probably were) but it seemed a shame to wake him up when he was SO happy!

First Bath

Although Aidan looks uncertain in the photo, he actually enjoyed his first bath. Now they have become one of his favorite parts of his day :)

Brotherly Love....

Simon and Owen spent lots of time welcoming Aidan into the family in the first few days. He has learned that he likes his two older brother's hugs AND he has learned that he can sleep through ANYTHING!!!!

Introducing Aidan Spencer.....

Aidan Spencer was born at 1:13 AM on February 5th. He was 8lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. We were thrilled to meet our little guy at last!!!