Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bedtime stories....

Here is a picture of a nightly scene at our house! Aidan is becoming an avid reader ( ok, listener) from the start as almost every time he nurses, Mama is busy reading to the older two!

stinkin' cute.....

My Mama thinks that I look so cute in this photo... like such a big boy!

Aidan at 3 months.....

I started doing this when Simon was born..... I take a picture each month for the first year of their life. I put it into a picture frame at the end of the year. It is a fun way to document their growth!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Our smiling guy...

Aidan has developed quite the happy personality. He smiles ALL day long. He smiles when he gets up from his nap, during diaper changes, and when he sees pretty much anyone's face.

Aidan rolls over....

At 9 weeks, Aidan was laying on the floor having his "tummy time" when all of a sudden he rolled over. He has done it three times so far in his life. (Once at the doctor's office, once on the table at Target getting his professional photo taken and once at home.) I was able to catch it on camera as evidence....
